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Hello 2011!

As part of my “having courage” goal, I’ve decided to overhaul the look of my blog.  Do you like it?

Whilst no doubt I’ll tweak graphics etc over the next month or so, I’m really happy with the new colours and the overall design.

So what’s been happening since my last post?

We welcomed in the New Year in spectacular fashion, being in bed by 10:30pm and sleeping in the New Year.Taronga Peacock

Taronga Elephants

New years day we trekked over to Taronga Zoo, where we activated one of our Christmas gifts, a yearly pass to the zoo.  It was disgustingly hot, so we only stayed a couple of hours.  Saw the baby elephants, had a giraffe come over and say hi, and spent some time in the cool (literally) penguin area.   Taronga Baby GorillasWe came home for lunch and then I had a BIG nanna nap.  Being such a hot day, the rest was spent relaxing, as was much of the rest of the weekend.

Taronga GiraffeUnfortunately during that relaxing time, my husband hurt (and possibly fractured) his toe, after making him at appointment to see the GP, I went out to do the groceries.  Apparantly it is written somewhere that I have to be injured or sick while my husband is incapacitated.  During my trip out, I rolled my ankle twice.  Thinking nothing of it at the time, I took him to the doctors, and thought I’d piggy back his appointment.  It seems that if my foot does not feel better by the end of the week, it may be fractured.  Terrific.

But, on the bright side, if I have to stay off it for a while then I have knitting that I need to get done, right?

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Published inCraftyGeneral StuffVGBlog

One Comment

  1. Nice! I like the colours. 🙂

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