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Knitting in Public….

I rarely knit in public, not because I don’t like knitting in public, or would prefer to sit there and do nothing, but because most of the projects I knit require more concentration than I can expend while trying to chit chat to my friends, or pay attention at Knitters Guild.

The lovely cabled scarf I’m knitting has been frogged back the last three times I’ve tried to knit it at a group.  My socks require counting at the moment, because I’m up to the heel.  My cardigan is going to get frogged as I’m doing a workshop next month at Guild that has to do with design, and I’d like to do it properly.  And finally, my Citron has Angora in it, which one of my frequent KIP’ers, Miss Sharre, is allergic to.

So that leaves me with no ‘current’ appropriate projects.

This Saturday I am getting together with some other Sydney & Surrounds Knitters that aren’t travelling to the Bendigo Sheep & Wool Show.  So I needed a project that I can happily sit there and knit without having to count, or worry about increases/decreases, or send Miss Sharre into a fit of hives.

Thankfully I had a pattern in my queue that I knew I had yarn for.  It’s called 100 Grammi, and takes 100g of laceweight alpaca.  I had momentarily thought about doing it in silk, and I still might, but I’ve had 100g of baby blue laceweight alpaca in my stash for quite some time now, and I think this really is the perfect project for it.

It’s a knit at either end, and YO’s with P2Tog’s throughout over 60 stitches.  TOO easy!  So I’ve cast on, and will knit a few rows to get into the ‘groove’ with it.

I figure if I don’t like it the colour it is once it’s done, I can dye it.

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Published inCraftyVGBlog

One Comment

  1. And Miss Sharre is very very appreciative of the sacrifice!

    Ebil Bunny.

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