I love aprons!
Really, I do. I have a few, too. All of which I wear, and all of which I’ve made. Half, bib and pinafores, they all have a use and some are better than others for certain jobs.Pina
Pinafore aprons (or pinnies) are good for just about everything except hostessing. I love pinnies for doing housework, baking and crafting in. Like a pretty “protect-all” for your clothes. As these tend to be ‘workhorse’ aprons, I prefer to re-purpose my husband’s old business shirts after the collar has gone, than buy pretty new fabric. I do, however use
some pretty bias to edge the apron and pockets.
Bib aprons are also good for the above, but have the added bonus of being able to be a little more ‘dressy’. Great for serving up food at a dinner party.
Half aprons are not fantasic clothes protectors, but they are great as extra pockets, as hand wipes, and good for light housework, they can also be really pretty. I made a great little joey pouch for holding pegs when putting up/getting down laundry.
Unfortunately, like hats, gloves and a number of other things, aprons are now more of a ‘kitsch’ item, than something we don on a daily basis. But I love them, and will continue to make them and wear them, and soon will do a tutorial on how to turn a business shirt into a pinny.
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