I’ve been into the retro and vintage thing for quite some time now. It started out as a love for the movies, and the style they portrayed. Then followed the discovery of Jazz and Swing/Big Band music, which flowed into dancing and fashion/beauty choices.
All of this was much easier when I was living at home and single, for some reason. These days, with a husband, son and household to take care of, I don’t spend the time/energy on things like my hair and wardrobe, or dancing, or listening to music like I used to.
That is what this blog was going to help me with. Rediscovering things I loved, manifesting my vintage desires and just incorporating it all into my daily life.
Things pop up, get in the way, throw you a curve ball…. things like illness, sleep deprivation, unexpected repair bills and my constant battle with depression and anxiety.
I have let it all get in the way of my goal. I started exercising, and then stopped just when I was really getting into it. I need to start again. I stopped ‘doing’ my hair because no one but me saw it. I haven’t made myself a single piece of clothing because I worry about looking like mutton dressed as lamb. I have found out recently though that I am not the only fuller figure Vintage Gal out there.
So to hell with it! It all gets in gear! Being a Vintage Grrl means that I will do what it is that I need to do to feel that Vintage Zing that I love!
Bring it!
Fabulous Miss Tia! You are an inspiration, I’m going to pull out my sewing machine and do some wardrobe makeovers too. Of course the vintage that I love is not always practical in this century 😉
Thank you Miss Sharre! Your style of vintage is also not always practical in our climate.. hehe.. but you’ll sort it out.. I know you will 😉
Tia! Have you seen this dress? http://www.colettepatterns.com/shop/ceylon omg!!!!!! x