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As the Wheel Spins

For the past two years, I have entered items into the Spinning Class of the Hawkesbury Show. The first year I entered a skein of yarn, and last year I entered another skein and a shawl made with the first.  Both years the entries have been a bit last minute, and just a bit lucky that I had something suitable.

THIS year, however, I have received a schedule in the mail and now I’m actually PLANNING what I can enter.  I have some fibre on the wheel, which you may recall seeing during the Tour de Fleece.  Yes, that’s July.  No, it’s not done yet.  In fact, I’m not even half way through.  My spinning mojo went bye bye, and then I just haven’t had time to sit down again.  Receiving the schedule for the 2011 show, however, inspired me to drag her out and get spinning.  I would like, if I’m able, to enter the resulting yarn, both in skein and as a knitted lace item.  Am I mad?  Pretty much.

Cap'n Jack
Cap'n Jack Angorina Fairy Web

This thickness has been dubbed “Fairy Web” by one of my spinning instructors.  The colours are lovely and it’s beautiful fibre to spin (95% merino and 5% angora), dyed by the very talented Charly from Ixchel Angora Bunny & Funky Fibre Art. But given that it is Fairy Web, it does take an age to spin, which is probably the very reason that it was just not feasible to finish it during the Tour de Fleece.

So it is being spun for the show instead.  And I know I have time, so it will be a more enjoyable spin.

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Published inCraftyVGBlog


  1. Ascasewwen Ascasewwen


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