If you’re familiar with my title, then you would know that the song is “Ukulele Lady”. The song is from 1925, when the Ukulele was experiencing a surge in popularity in the US mainland after being introduced 10 years before.
I have been toying with the idea of learning to play the ukulele over the last few years. When I saw Bette Midler in concert back in 2005, she had about 20 ladies and a few gents on stage playing (and not playing, but looking like they were trying to) ukuleles, singing “Ukulele Lady”. I simply thought to myself that THAT was something I could do, and it wouldn’t have to be for any other reason, than for pure enjoyment. It plagued me to the point that a soprano uke was purchased. But actually picking it up and DOING it eluded me. Until recently.
For the last few months, I’ve been slowly (and I do mean SLOWLY) learning how to play the Uke. This is one of those times that I’m very grateful that my husband is very musical. Not only do I have someone to show me how to play it properly, but it means that we can justify buying an instrument that is a little more comfortable for us to play.

How can a uke be uncomfortable? Easy. They’re small, and a little deep. Small is bad for Husband, and deep is bad for me. So we decided to do some research and found a “Concert” sized travel uke. The travel part just means that it’s about 1/2 the depth of the regular ukes, which makes it MUCH easier for me to get my arm around.
Once I get my hand into it a little more, I’d love to get up to one of the big Ukulele festivals they have up in the Blue Mountains, even the big one up in Cairns.
I can’t do much more than strum 3 or 4 chords at the moment, and certainly no songs are forthcoming just yet. I have no plans to become a Ukulele superstar or anything. It is fun to strum, and it allows me to be musical.
I’m not musical and all my attempts to learn have met with disillusionment. I shall learn vicariously through you 😉
I am fortunate to have a talented musical person in the house, so I get ironed out pretty quickly. 😉 But I’m happy for you to be vicarious 😉
I just discovered you blog over Ravelry … seems we have similar interests ;-). I started playing the Ukulele in 2011 and if you are looking for good tutorials, I recommend to search for “Ukulele Mike” on youtube, he has up loads of really good tutorials, Ukulele Lady among them.
Greetings from the other side of the world (Germany)