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Spinning Round and Around

Almost a month ago, I drove up to Clarendon to participate in the Hawkesbury Show Spinning Challenge.  Thankfully it didn’t start until 10am, so the drive up didn’t have to start at a ridiculous time of morning.

I think as far as layout goes, the Hawkesbury has it all over the RAS Easter Show.  Things are much easier to find!  Next year, I think I will actually look around more than I got to this year.

The challenge was 3 hours long (split into 2 x 1.5 hour segments) and consisted of 2 parts.  Firstly, we had to spin a woolen preperation into an 8ply equivalent yarn for a jumper.  And then we had to spin a worsted preperation for a strong wearing sock yarn.  All of the fibre/fleece was provided, and on it’s own merit was nice, I personally don’t think it was suitable for what we were asked to create.

However, despite all of this, I managed to take first place!  I was very shocked and extremely excited when I found out.

Here is the ribbon and certificate.  I now have three ribbons that I need to figure out how to display.


Here is the trophy.  I get to have it at home until the next Hawkesbury Show.  I love that it’s a wheel!


By looking at some of the other plaques, it appears that it used to be a team event.


Will I go for it again next year?  Probably.  It was fun!

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Published inCraftyVGBlog


  1. Well done Tia … something I have never heard of!!

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