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It Was a Blue Hawaii Christmas Party – Thank you Nuffnang


On Wednesday night I took myself over to the Bavarian Bier Cafe on O’Connell Street (not to be confused with the one on York Street) for the Nuffnang Christmas Party.  A little early in the season, yes, but it coincided with the Bloggers Festival, so it made sense.


I’m a little nervous in social settings where I don’t really know anyone, but was thankful that Leanne from the Fashionate Traveller and Janice from Chaigyaru were there, as I had met them previously.  The theme was “Blue Hawaii”, and about 1/3 of the people actually dressed up, some in just blue, like Leanne, and others went full sarong with inflatable palm tree!


I was somewhere in the middle with my husband’s blue hawaiian shirt and a handmade paper lei.  I had toyed with the idea of a grass skirt, and found out later it could have been the tipping point for winning the costume prize… oh well.  Next year!

artdecolightThe venue was pretty spectacular.  Anyone who knows me knows I loves me some Art Deco influences when it comes to architecture and design. From the large suspended lights that just make me want to see if there’s an oversized gorilla scaling the building, to the detail in the railing and windows, I was surrounded!


But back to the party.  It was just a lovely get together.  I met some other bloggers, from food bloggers (you should see the way they launch themselves at the platters with their cameras before ANYONE  is allowed to touch it!  It’s just amazing how quickly they can get their cameras ready!), a few fashion bloggers, a travel blogger, and a design blogger.  All very different in their approach to blogging too.

I was asked what type of blog mine was, and I really couldn’t give a straight answer!  I’m mostly a personal blog, with craft and vintage fashion/lifestyle/hair/makeup thrown in.. right?thegang

ladybeerOne of the fun things about the Bavarian Bier Cafe was the “Lady Beer” (unofficially titled the “Girly beer”), which is their house beer with a dash of fruit syrup (Peach, Lychee, Passionfruit, Cherry) served in a cocktail glass.  Sounds a bit iffy, but tastes AMAZING!  This fuelled the night for a lot of us.

joannaAt the end of the night there was a door prize, which was won by Joanna.  Lucky girl now has a brand spanking new iTouch!

I had such a good time, and loved meeting some new people.  Thank you Nuffnang for a great Christmas party!party

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Published inVGBlog


  1. I wish we could see some more of your outfit!
    It looks like a great time and I haven’t been to the venue but MUST next time to check out the deco fabulous.
    Looking forward to the Melbourne version next week. 🙂

    • Vintage Grrl Vintage Grrl

      It really wasn’t that exciting. Below the shirt was just my non-jean denims. I’m in between closets right now.. hehe. I was just happy to be there and I’m hoping I absorbed some blogging genius. 😀

  2. That IS some pretty Art Deco decorum! Looks great!

    • Vintage Grrl Vintage Grrl

      Isn’t it though? Worth the bar prices just to be immersed!

  3. thanks Vintage Grrl — I decided to eBay the iPod in the spirit of decluttering. Found it ironic that I won given the steps at the door!

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