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It’s Just Plain Handy

My hands tend to be dry most of the year round, but moreso during winter.  In the past I have just used whatever cream I happen to use on my son, but he is currently using cream that is not appropriate to use, so this year I’ve had particular issue finding a cream that was ingredient friendly for me to use around my very allergic son, but still very moisturising without being nothing but mineral oil.

Unfortunately for me, most hand creams that I like have nut or other ingredients that are just prohibitive.  So finding a natural based product that I didn’t have to make myself (which is still on the cards going forward) has been pretty much impossible.  So I’ve had to compromise just what I’m willing to use.  I have found two creams that will be good for winter use.  One is a moisturiser, and the other is more of a barrier cream to prevent moisture loss.

lanohandFirstly is a hand cream by Lanolips.  It’s a medical grade lanolin based product that’s made right here in Australia.  I’ve been using it for 4 days now, and I really do like it.  I use less than a pea sized amount to give my hands a nice moisturise.  It has a lovely rose baby powder scent that reminds me of my Grandmother, which makes me smile each time I use it.  It also contains Keratin which is good for your nails.  I don’t find it greasy, and it has made a significan difference in less than a week to the condition of my hands. (Bought at Myer for $22.95 – 150g)

neutrogenahandThe next cream is more of a barrier cream, to prevent moisture loss, rather than a moisturiser.  It’s the Neutrogena Norwegian Formula hand cream. You only need a very small amount to cover your entire hand, and would be good to use after a moisturise if you’re going to be exposing your hands to extreme cold or constant air conditioning.  I got the fragrance free, so I don’t know what the normal one smells like.  This cream takes longer to soak in to your hands, but would be ideal to put on before donning dishwashing gloves and sticking your hands into the hot water. (Bought at Priceline $7.95 – 56g)

I’m still on the lookout for a good cuticle oil that is safe to use, and am waiting to hear back from the Lanolips people about the contents of their 101 ointment.

But my hands are coming back to their more supple selves slowly but surely, and my nails are starting to regrow.  I’m looking forward to soon painting up and showing off my hands!

(all products were purchased by me for personal use)

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  1. I love the Neutrogena one. It lives in my knitting supplies, so 90% of my knitting smells like it. It is not horrid, kind of a fresh soap smell.

  2. I used to use Lansinoh – you know the pure lanolin stuff a lot of breastfeeding mums use?? It worked wonders for my very dry fingers. I think you can get cheaper lanolin from the chemist but I a not sure whetehr it is chemical-free. I think the brand is gold cross.

    • Vintage Grrl Vintage Grrl

      Lanisoh is good, but the Lanolips is Ultra-Medical Grade, which is one step up from the Lanisoh as it’s been refined a little more. It’s less sticky too. Yes, it costs more than Lanisoh, but when it comes to being able to use it on The Boy, cost is not a consideration.

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