This conversation came up on the weekend, and it’s an interesting one to look at. Do you knit what you like to knit, or what you like to wear? Or are you lucky and they’re the same thing?
For me, at the moment, it’s all about short projects for me. I have a couple of larger projects (ie: wrap and shawl), but no ‘garments’ as such. For me, at the moment, garments (ie: cardigan, pullover, vest etc) would require either a lot of stocking stitch, or a lot of counting for cables/patterns… or both. So what I’d like to wear does not equate to what I like to knit at the moment.
As you know I have a Citron Shawl on the go, and while it’s technically pure stocking stitch with increases and decreases, I think you’ll agree that it’s a pretty spectacular finish. So it services “dull’ knitting for most of the rows, and only 2 out of 19 require actual thinking, so it’s still interesting enough not to want to stab your eyes out with your knitting needles.[nggallery id=21]
This is as large as my projects are getting at the moment, I have some rather HUGE lace shawls on the horizons for shows next year planned, but things I’d like to be knitting, but would probably want to tear my hair out in the process, are things like this….
Images thanks to owners (linked in pictures)
What’s stopping me from knitting them? Nothing really. Nothing except the lack of desire to do all that work .. HAHAHAHAHA. There is another reason. And it is that I really love working with handspun more than commercial yarns. So if I’m going to be knitting a cardigan, pullover or what not, I want to enjoy the WHOLE process…. which means a LOT of spinning. Yeah, sure I have enough commercial yarn to make these… but no.. I don’t want to use it. I probably should sell it off…
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