This coming weekend is the Queen’s Birthday long weekend. I enjoy long weekends, gives you 2 WHOLE days of weekend, and the ‘getting house ready for a week’ is saved for Monday.
Pending kicking this illness, I have a really good start to the weekend all set out. This Saturday is the monthly Inner City Knitters Guild meeting. Each month we have a different topic, and this month is Blocking, which is being presented by Donna, aka Randomknits. I’m very excited about this one, I’ve only really blocked one item, and not with wires.
After Guild, I’ll (hopefully) be trekking up to the Abraham Mott Hall for the World Wide Knit in Public day event. Organised by Sally, aka Pompom, for the 3rd year, it is promising to be a great event! Not just for the fact that there are competitions and prizes, but purely that it’s a whole afternoon of sitting and knitting with friends!!
Sunday and Monday promise to be somewhat quiet, which is not a bad thing. It will give me a chance to catch up on some housework and organisation.
It’ll be a good day out won’t it! I’ll see you there!