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Lockdown & School Holidays

The last 18 or so months has been a stressful time. For a lot of families that are used to travelling during school holidays, I can also imagine it’s been a disappointing time. There are multiple reasons that this is not our personal lifestyle, but the lockdown has still affected our usual routine of seeing family, and doing things with friends.

Thankfully, we’re able to make the most of our time with each other at home and do other things together. So here is a list of things that we enjoy doing during holidays, that may give inspiration to others who find being at home during holidays out of their comfort zone.

  1. Board games.
    Boy oh boy do we have a collection! From classics like Rummykub, to games like Takenoko, we have a nice mix of card, board, and dice games to suit most moods. The ones that are most played are games like Quibbler (a personal favourite of mine), Seven Dragons, Fluxx (or one of its’ variants), Quirkle, and Dragonwood. We’ve yet to delve into RPG type games, but now that the kiddo is a teen, we may just get there.
  2. Movie days.
    The first Monday is always movie day. And now, thanks to streaming services, we have a HUGE catalogue available. We literally spend from 9-5 watching a series of movies. We take turns choosing, so we each get to watch at least one thing we really want.
  3. Video Games.
    Apart from the fact that I’m a fairly avid gamer, I think more parents should play things like Minecraft and Fortnite with their kids during the holidays. Both are fairly simple games to get the hang of, and it definitely gives the kids a huge amount of pleasure laughing at their parents trying to learn a game. I love playing Minecraft, with or without my kid.
  4. Vege Garden.
    We’ve had a planter box in the back yard for a few years now, and there have been some successful, and less than successful attempts at growing some veges like cherry tomatoes and cucumbers. But these holidays, we’re going to give it another bash. We have already prepped our seeds in a mini “greenhouse” box, and we are going to completely refresh the bed for planting.
  5. Learn something together, or teach them something new.
    It really doesn’t matter what it is. Cooking, crafting, drawing … pick something! These holidays I plan on getting my son involved with more family cooking. I also have plans on teaching him how to cross stitch, sew, and crochet. These are all things he wants to learn, I’m not imposing them on him. But there’ll also be time for teaching him how to design for laser cutting, and how to maintain a 3D printer.

These school holidays are going to be super fun, and there’s no time for either of us to be “bored”… HAHA!

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